靈性世界 SoulEvolve

對川普下咒 Casting Spells on Trump



最近西方靈性領域最熱門的話題: 一群從事巫相關產業的人,在臉書上開了一個臉書團體,想要集合世界上所有從事靈性相關的巫婆、巫師、薩滿、療癒者…等等,一起對川普下詛咒,這件事在許多靈性論壇上引起了廣泛的討論,這些召集者甚至把方法與咒語都提供出來了。相關文章連結: https://goo.gl/0tr4gZ

你的想法是什麼呢? 如果這樣,不喜歡的人就下詛咒,他們就會不見嗎?



在西方的靈性領域裡,對於名稱的界定也很嚴格,很多人認為,如果你不是使用你的能力來療癒世界,把和諧帶給人們的話,不可以被稱為是薩滿(Shaman),只能叫做魔法師(sorcerer), 巫師(wizard), 巫婆(witch)、黑魔法師(black magicians)…等,每一個名稱都帶有不同的隱含意義。

最近遇到的一個個案,他帶我看到在台灣社會中的很流行的黑魔法使用,當然使用者不會告訴大家他在用黑魔法,會用許多美麗的靈性辭彙來包裝,他們會保證你某些效果,如,短期之內達成某些金錢、事業人生順利、去小人…等,但是,他們是在和哪一種靈打交道呢? 也許短期可以看到一些小效果,但是,與不該交往的靈打交道,最終可能成為被吸取生命能量的宿主,在身體與心靈上飽受折磨。(經過個案本人同意,日後會詳細寫一篇完整的故事,謝謝這位願意讓我分享故事的個案。)


其實,我們會不會受到詛咒/黑魔法的影響,重點都是在我們內在靈性的免疫力–內在的力量與情緒,歷史上許多暴君,有多少人暗中用言語詛咒他們,但為什麼他們都還好好的呢? 因為,他們有很強壯,充滿力量的內在與靈魂,他們不會輕易讓他人控制與影響他們,更不可能輕易把力量交出去。這些詛咒/黑魔法要對我們起到真正的影響,只有在我們本身很弱,力量不足,又急於擺脫痛苦時,就像是身體免疫力不足,病毒容易入侵生病。


再者,川普會不會受到影響? 我不覺得他會受影響,他如此地自戀,就算再不喜歡他,也無法否認他內在強烈的力量。




One of the most hot topics in the Western Spiritual Circle is that a bunch of witches started a facebook page to invite all witches, wizard, shamans, healers…etc to unite to cast mass spell on Trump and even provided the detailed method and script of chanting to do the ceremony. This topic swiftly draws a lot of attention and discussion in the various spiritual communities.

What is your thought on this? Do you agree with casting binding spell on someone you personally dislike?

I personally think this is a very unwise way of dealing with the situation, especially after I read through the method and the script which they encourage invoking demons and other elements. I only have one thought after I read it:”OMG~~Hopefully no one falls for it.”

The real healers, who have power to connect with the spiritual realm and no matter what cultures they belong to or what modalities they use, should focus on bringing love, harmony, balance and light into the world. Ethics is the first consideration. They should respect each individual’s freewill. Casting spells is egoistic, especially when it is motivated by personal preferences, power and money. There are many instances that people with power who abuse their power and use it in the wrong way lose their power or they die in a very miserable way.

Many think that if one can’t use your power to bring the healing and harmony into the world, he/she can’t be called Shaman, he/she can only be called sorcerer, wizard, witch, black magician or terms in such.

I recently have a client whose story showed me the black magic that is very rampant in Taiwan. The sorcerer who uses black magic might not openly tell you it is black magic, instead, they use many wonderful spiritual vocabularies to wrap up the black magic as a beautiful gift. They usually give seekers some sort of guarantees that in short period of time they will be able to get a lot of money, life would be smooth, get rid of the people who are in the way…etc. However, people who are not in the field might not know what kind of spirits these sorcerers work with. These seekers who want to take the short cut due to their own greed, lust, desire and so forth might fall prey to the human or non-human energetic vampires who suck human vital force for a living. (With my client’s consent, i’ll be writing about his story in the near future.)

Some might ask that if casting spell is going to affect Trump?

How do someone be affected by the spell or black magic? Spell or black magic can only affect us when we are emotionally weak and we gave that permission and power away to someone else. Think about a lot of tyrants in the history who might also be attacked with many spells, curses or negative forces. Although they are bad person from our perspective, they usually had very strong, powerful and positive in their heart and soul. It is in term their spiritual immune system that helped them stay strong from all the viruses of spells, curses and negative forces.

The basic root still lies with personal power which is one of the most important aspects in Shamanic Healing.

Therefore, establish and maintain personal power is the most vital practice in life in general. Shamanic practitioner would evaluate your power status through a few ways, such as checking soul loss, the energy that doesn’t belong. A lot of time, it all brings the client to the root of him/herself. What is your core belief? Have you ever deal with your past issues and emotional energy? What is in your programming and pattern in life? To change oneself, we have to go further inward and it is an everyday practice. It doesn’t just happen overnight. When someone offers you something fast or once-for-all sort of method, be wary about it.

Will Trump be affected by the mass binding spell? I personally don’t think so. Whether my personal preference toward him, I still think he’s a very powerful being and he wouldn’t be affected easily.

On the other hand, I seriously think that people who cast these binding spells will be the ones who are affected deeply. Thoughts are very powerful. It carries strong energy. When we cast more hatred, we get more hatred, and vice versa.

Trump isn’t the evil itself but an icon who brings out all the problems that has been lying around in the world for a long long time. Before all the problems he brought out uncovered, those issues and problems have been there for a long time. To help the world evolve, the first step is to see where the problems are. Instead of attacking him, i personally think we should focus our energy on seeing these problems and solving them collectively as a whole.

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